Shabat Shalom

Moses leads the Israelites into the wilderness after their escape from Egypt. God sends manna to feed them and Amalek attacks the Israelites.

An Indirect Route
Now God did not lead the Jews out of Egypt on the most direct route but took the people by way of the wilderness. God went before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire at night so they could travel day and night.
Upon leaving Egypt, Moses takes Joseph's bones with him, recalling Joseph's dying words, "God will surely remember you and then bring my bones with you to the promised land."
Members of Israeli delegation to Haiti greeted back at Ben Gurion Airport with state welcoming ceremony, attract compliments from prime minister, defense minister, IDF chief of staff
Head of the Israeli mission Brigadier-General Shalom Ben Aryeh said that the team treated 1,111 patients, performed 317 life-saving surgeries and delivered 16 babies. "Each of them would have died if had not been treated," he said.

Israeli delegation returns to Israel

Ehud Barak with Wadley Elysee to undergo surgery in Israel
Major Michel Somekh An Israeli MD Officer ( with Iranian Background ) in the Israeli Haiti Mission / NBC

National Museum of American Jewish History
"It's Your Story"
Sent by Paris F

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