
Editor Daveed  Fakheri

Shabbat Hol Hamo'ed Pesah

Exodus 33:12–34:26; 
Numbers 28:19–25

This translation was taken from the JPS Tanakh

12 Moses said to the Lord, "See, You say to me, 

'Lead this people forward,' but You have not

 made known to me whom You will send with 

me. Further, You have said, 'I have singled you out

 by name, and you have, indeed, gained My favor.' 13

 Now, if I have truly gained Your favor, pray let

 me know Your ways, that I may know You and 

continue in Your favor. Consider, too, that this 

nation is Your people." 14 And He said, "I will go

 in the lead and will lighten your burden." 15

 And he said to Him, "Unless You go in the lead, do 

not make us leave this place. 16 For how shall it be

 known that Your people have gained Your favor


 You go with us, so that we may be distinguished, 

Your people and I, from every people on the

Face of the earth

Weekly Torah Portion


Leviticus 9:1-11:47

In this Torah portion, God commands Aaron and hissons to make the burnt and sin offerings at the Tabernacle. When God accepts the offerings, the people shout with joy. God describes to Moses the laws of kashrut, making distinctions between land animals, birds, and animals in the water

After the dedication of the Tabernacle and the ordination of the priests, two of Aaron's sons bring a strange fire before God and are consumed by fire; God then instructs Moses and Aaron regarding which animals may be eaten
kosher cow

Nancy Reuben

  Click here for a summary of Shemin

Click here for a summary of the
 Haftarah for Sheminih

A free Japanese tip to have a
 more comfortable

More than Kitniyot ( حبوبات )

Photo: Henry Jabobs

Passover is about more than Kitniyot

Spring holiday should be transformative
 in personal level, not merely about details
 of custom and ritual.

True freedom is being authentic
 to who you are

Recently the Rabbinical Council of Victoria
, Australia issued a statement concerning
 a new product called "laffa matzah” stating
 that it should not be eaten on Passover
Laffa matzah is a soft and chewy version
 of the regular brittle and cracker-like matzah
 most of us are used to.

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