
World News

Editor, Daveed Fakheri    


Transportation Ministry certain it finally found perfect deterrent against hijacking of commercial planes, but pilots say they would rather deal with terrorists in cockpit than face possibility of being shot down. EU says forcing its planes to use system may threaten aviation ties with Israel

Op-ed: Rate of infiltration by work migrants equals that of Jewish immigration to Israel

IDF :  Water for the african refugees

Austrian police say " Neo - Nazi " teens vandalized monument listing names of Nazi victims in town of Villach


Iran - Pakistan Ties With Taliban?!

Former woman Irgun fighter recalls bombing of British headquarters in Jerusalem's King David Hotel
which left more than 90 people dead. Sarah Agassi says armed Jewish group warned occupants to evacuate building. 'My conscience is clear,' she says 64 years after the operation, 'it was war'

Photo: Amit MagalPhoto: GPO
Mega-church in Bras neighborhood will be made of stones cut exactly like those of original temple

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