Despite the fear and exhaustion of journeying from a dark, narrow place, we must remember to accompany our arrivals with song and joy.
A summary of the portion
Moses leads the Israelites into the wilderness after their escape from Egypt. God sends manna to feed them and Amalek attacks the Israelites.
An Indirect Route
Now God did not lead the Jews out of Egypt on the most direct route but took the people by way
of the wilderness. God went before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire at night
so they could travel day and night.
Rav Kook on the Weekly Parsha
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935) – first Chief Rabbi of pre-state Israel – was a mystic and a philosopher, a preeminent Talmudic scholar and a Lurian Cabbalist, an original thinker and a saintly tzaddik.
A summary of the haftarah
Deborah leads a nation in war and sings a victory song.
Judges 4:4-5:31
Barak & Deborah Fight Sisera
Joel kills Sisra
Most of the Bible is written as prose, though there are examples of poetry (such as in Psalms), as well as song. The two most famous biblical songs are the Song of the Sea, which is in this week's Torah portion, and the Song of Deborah, which is in this week's haftarah.
Deborah is one of the Israelite leaders in the Book of Judges. She is a prophet and a judge, and she keeps court under a palm tree in the hill country, where people come for guidance.
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