
SHEVAT, 15, 5771
January, 20, 2011

Wall Street Journal South Asia bureau

 chief * Daniel Pearl *, left, and right, his
killer Al Qaeda figure

 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.


A federal institution will show a documentary
 about the dangers of an atomic Iran after the
 Canadian government told them not to bow to
 demands to cancel the film over threats of violence

OPINION: With Sen. Joe Lieberman not seeking 
reelection, Obama should consider this
 respected lawmaker for the post of 
U.S. Secretary of Defense

To find America's next singing sensation, judges must first weed through misunderstood talent

American diplomacy in the Middle East suffered a setback Wednesday when U.S. ally Saudi Arabia abandoned efforts to mediate the political crisis in Lebanon, where the militant group Hezbollah ha...


Largest bank in Switzerland wins tender to purchase 5% of state-owned stocks for NIS 1.3 billion. State's bank holdings now stand at 6.5%; largest shareholder is businessman Shlomo Eliahu


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