
Picture,Anusheh Ansari
Sent by Goli Farivar

So Proud, it is great to hear these news.
Iranians are the best immigrants 
         USA has seen !!!!!!!!!

Iranians in US
According to extrapolated 2000 US Census data and other independent surveys done by Iranian-Americans themselves, there are an estimated over  

One and half Million 1.5 Iranian-Americans living in the U.S. in 2009

with the largest concentration -- 
about 720,000 people -- being in Los Angeles . An NPR report recently put the
  • Iranian population of Beverly Hills as high as 20% of the total population. Iranian communities in the US also have varying religious populations among each city. Other large communities include New York ; New Jersey ; Washington , D.C. ; Seattle , Washington ; and Houston , Texas
  • The majority of the Iranian born had a bachelor's degree or higher. According to Census 2000, 50.9 percent of Iranian immigrants have attained a bachelor's degree or higher, compared to 24.0 percent among the total foreign-born population.[5] According to the latest census data available, more than one in four Iranian-Americans holds a master's or doctoral degree, the highest rate among 67 ethnic groups studied.
  • The Small Business Administration (SBA) recently conducted a study that found Iranian immigrants among the top 20 immigrant groups with the highest rate of business ownership, contributing substantially to the U.S. economy.
  • Almost one in three Iranian American households have annual incomes of more than $100K (compared to one in five for the overall U.S.. population).
  • At present, there are over 5,000 Iranian physicians working in the United States who have their own practice and/or work in medical institutions.
In 2001, it was estimated that the total number of Iranian professors who teach and research in higher education institutions in the United States was over 4,000.

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