9th of Sivan, 5771
Sat, 11 June 2011
Beyond Fear
Social Justice As A Sacred
Communal Obligation
Communal Obligation
In an article entitled "Gemilut Hasadim [Doing Acts of Lovingkindness] is Not Social Action," Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf claims that many synagogue social action committees concern themselves not with their stated purpose, but with tzedakah (charity) projects, such as tutoring and stocking food pantries.
The Israelites receive instructions regarding Passover; they journey forth from Sinai and complain to God on several occasions, provoking God's anger; Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses.
Zekhariah 2:14-4:7
Looking toward the
rebuilding of the Temple.
rebuilding of the Temple.
The haftarah for Parashat Bha'alotkha and Shabbat Hanukkah begins with Zekhariah encouraging the people of Judah to rebuild the Temple that had been destroyed in 586 BCE. Zekhariah prophesied towards the end of the 70 years that separated the destruction of the First Temple from the dedication of the Second Temple.
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