

In this week's Torah portion, gold is mentioned nearly 50 times--gold furniture, chains, bells, rings. But today, gold brings with it a legacy of injustice, pollution, poison and waste.

Parshat Tetzaveh 

For Children 

 Priestly Gold is 

the New Black

 "And Moses," God commands, "you shall command the sons of Israel to use pure olive oil for kindling the light of the lamps. Aaron shall set up this light to burn continuously in the sanctuary. It will serve as a light for God for all generations.
"Have Aaron and his sons serve Me as priests. Make for them sacred garments using fine linen, gold and blue, purple and scarlet yarns. Make for them a breast-piece, an ephod, a robe, a tunic of checkered work and a sash. These garments must always be worn when officiating in My sanctuary.

Different interpretations 
of the parashah

 from Torah Topics for Today
 from Union for Reform Judaism
 from Women of Reform Judaism
 from Social Action
 from Orthodox Union
from Jewish Outreach Institute
 from AJWS
from Hillel

Samuel I 15:2-34
Parashat Zakhor is read on the Shabbat before Purim every year. It includes a verse commanding us not to forget Amalek, the tribe who attacked the Israelites just after they came out of Egypt. In addition to its regular place in the Torah, in Parashat Ki Tetze, Parashat Zakhor is read on the Shabbat before Purim because the villain of the Purim story, Haman, is said to be a descendent of Amalek. Hearing Parashat Zakhor in synagogue is considered the fulfillment of the mitzvah not to forget Amalek.

The haftarah for Parashat Zakhor tells of the efforts of Israel to defeat Amalek once and for all. God commands Saul, the first king of Israel: "I remember what Amalek did to Israel, attacking them on their way, as they left Egypt. Go, now, and attack Amalek" (15:2-3).


Upon arrival in Canada, prime minister
 says Jewish State is allowed to defend 
itself against Iranian nuclear threat

Two Bibles found in dead Qaeda leader's
 compound thought to contain clues to
 future attacks

A True Story -Rafi Mollot
Manhattan Beach Kollel

Beate Klarsfeld, 73, and Jewish husband Serge have devoted their lives to privately tracking down Nazis who took part in the Holocaust.

Lady Tonge refuses to apologize after
 declaring that '
Israel will not be there forever'
A True Story 
Rafi Mollot
 Manhattan Beach Kollel

Shabat shalom & Shavua Tove

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