
From left, Dr. Warren Selman, Moty Avisar and Alon Geri. Photo by Keith Berr Photography

From left, Dr. Warren Selman, Moty Avisar and Alon Geri. Photo by Keith Berr Photography

A patient’s medical images are turned into an interactive surgical training tool.
A patient’s medical images are turned into an interactive surgical training tool.

Beersheva Bedouin Market. Photo courtesy of Israel Tourism Ministry

Beersheva Bedouin Market. Photo courtesy of Israel Tourism Ministry

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev lends a “college town” feel to Beersheva nightlife. Photo courtesy of Israel Tourism Ministry

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev lends a “college town” feel to Beersheva nightlife. Photo courtesy of Israel Tourism Ministry

Beersheva Negev Brigade Monument. Photo courtesy of Israel Tourism Ministry
Beersheva Negev Brigade Monument. Photo courtesy of Israel Tourism Ministry

Entrance to biblical water system unearthed in Tel Sheva. Photo courtesy of Israel Tourism Ministry
Entrance to biblical water system unearthed in Tel Sheva. Photo courtesy of Israel Tourism Ministry

The Negev Zoo is one of the stops along the Round Beer Sheva Trail. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
The Negev Zoo is one of the stops along the Round Beer Sheva Trail. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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At ISRAEL21c, we’re committed to providing a window onto the many ways Israeli innovation is changing the world for th

A hannukiyah lights up the cold winter night in Jerusalem. Photo by Flash90.

A hannukiyah lights up the cold winter night in Jerusalem. Photo by Flash90.

The Living Ocean drew lots of visitors to Israel’s pavilion at the World Expo in Korean. Photo by Hyuli.
The Living Ocean drew lots of visitors to Israel’s pavilion at the World Expo in Korean. Photo by Hyuli.
Wacky, outlandish? Disk In Pro believes their Imagine Hotel could be the wave of the future.
Wacky, outlandish? Disk In Pro believes their Imagine Hotel could be the wave of the future.

The Mindojo platform will allow individuals or companies to create an online course that will automatically adapt to a student’s learning style. Photo by Shutterstock

The Mindojo platform will allow individuals or companies to create an online course that will automatically adapt to a student’s learning style. Photo by Shutterstock

The Pixplit team: Jay Meydad, Adi Binder and Nir Holtzman Ninio.

The Pixplit team: Jay Meydad, Adi Binder and Nir Holtzman Ninio.

A two-frame Pixplit composite.
A two-frame Pixplit composite.

TechLoft’s signage is all in English.

TechLoft’s signage is all in English.

An inviting space for Tel Aviv startups.

An inviting space for Tel Aviv startups

Brad Chalupski slid his way to a 29th place finish at the track at the 2012 World Championships in Lake Placid.

Brad Chalupski slid his way to a 29th place finish at the track at the 2012 World Championships in Lake Placid.

Israeli Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation CFO Philip Nathan and Chana Anolick hoist the Israeli flag near the end of the track.
Israeli Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation CFO Philip Nathan and Chan Anolick hoist the Israeli flag near the end of the track.

The Zibar field cars are meant for tough terrain.

The Zibar field cars are meant for tough terrain.

Since childhood, Cohen’s heart has belonged to the road.
Since childhood, Cohen’s heart has belonged to the road.
He has already sold 40 made-in-Israel Zibars, five of them to the Israeli military and the 
One of Cohen’s desert racecars.
One of Cohen’s desert racecars.

The garbage mountain is slowly being transformed from a public eye-sort, to a massive park and education center. Photo by Flash90.

The garbage mountain is slowly being transformed from a public eye-sort, to a massive park and education center. Photo by Flash90.

While the Hiriya park won’t be ready until 2020, the tip already houses a recycling education center, which is open to the public.


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