A Very Interesting Article
September 28, 2013
Isaiah 42:5-43:11
10 Amazing Articles
A Very Interesting Article
Year 5774
You Can Run But
You Can't Hide
How do we, like Adam and Eve,
hide from taking responsibility
for our decisions and actions?
The first two chapters of Bereshit (Genesis) give
us a picture of the world as it is first created.
It is new, perfect, and full of promise.
Yet once human beings are created,
problems occur as we face our humanity,
our mortality, our modesty, and our
relationship with God.
Oh Adam and Eve, Eden was so great.
And then you had to go and
ruin it for all of us .... MORE>
Year 5774
The Third Day of Creation (woodcut
from the 1860 Die Bibel in Bildern)
In this Torah portion, God creates the world with words. After Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, they are banished from the Garden of Eden. Later Cain kills Abel. God then considers destroying all of Creation.
In the beginning of God's creating the heavens and the earth, when the earth was astonishingly empty and dark, God's spirit hovered upon the surface of the waters.
God said, "Let there be light.
God saw that the light was good. There was light of day and a dark of night, morning and evening, one day." God said, "Let there be a firmament, a Heaven, separating the waters and dry land." God named the dry land Earth, and the waters Seas and then God brought forth from the earth seeds and plants and fruit trees. God said, "Let there be for earth light-bearers of a sun for the day, the moon and stars for the night. Let the seas swarm with living creatures and let there be birds to fly in the sky. God saw all that God create More
From Different Sectors
Of Judaism
from Torah Topics for Today
from AJWS
from Canfei Nesharim
from Jewish Outreach Institute
from Social Action
from KOLEL
from Orthodox Union
* Bereshit *
10 Articles
Isaiah 42:5-43:11
To complement the creation of the
world, a promise of redemption.
.This week's Torah portion tells the
story of the world's creation, and
the haftarah provides its own sort
of commentary on the
Torah's first parashah.
story of the world's creation, and
the haftarah provides its own sort
of commentary on the
Torah's first parashah.
Isaiah introduces God at the beginning
of this haftarah as "the One who created
the heavens and stretched them out, who
made the earth and all that
grows in it" (42:5).
of this haftarah as "the One who created
the heavens and stretched them out, who
made the earth and all that
grows in it" (42:5).
But Isaiah doesn't stop there. Instead,
he draws a connection between creating
the world to fulfill a specific task and
creating the Israelites to fulfill their
covenant. And he urges everyone to
proclaim the glory of God: Continue
שבת שלום
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