
Joseph's bizarre choices with his family,
 from concealing his identity to his brothers
 to falsely accusing Benjamin of stealing,
 are some of the most perplexing stories in
 the Torah. MORE>
Joseph Kisses Jacob
 (illustration from the 1897 Bible Pictures
 and What They Teach Us by Charles Foster)

  • * VAYIGAH * 

  • File:Tissot Joseph and His Brethren Welcomed by Pharaoh.jpg
    Joseph and His Brethren Welcomed by Pharaoh 
    (watercolor circa 1896–1902 by James Tissot)

    Morton's Hanukiya for IDF Soldiers

Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, prompting 
the entire family to move to Egypt, where Joseph 
reunites with his father, Jacob.
Because a silver goblet has been found in his younger
 brother Benjamin’s bag, Joseph demands that Benjamin
 remain a slave in Egypt while the brothers return
 to their father.
Parashat Vayigash begins 
with Judah’s plea to Joseph.
 "Oh my lord, have you a father or another brother?

Parashat * Vayigash * For Children 1

Parashat * Vayigash * for Children  2

Harav * KOOK *
* TORAH * Institute

 * Vayigash * 

The text implies that Joseph was the first 
of Jacob's twelve sons to die.
 "Joseph died, and [then] his brothers
 and all that generation" (Ex. 1:6).
 Why was Joseph's life shorter than 
that of his brothers?

We all have limited amounts of time and energy 
and must learn how to apportion these resources
 wisely. In particular, we need to find a balance
 between activities that are directed inwardly, for
 our own personal development, and those directed
 outwardly, for the benefit of others. As Hillel taught, 
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if
 I am only for myself, then what am I?" (Avot 1:14).

The very first exile of the Jewish people, the exile
 to Egypt, began as Jacob and his family left
 the Land of Israel. They intended to spend a 
short stay in Egypt until the famine passed.
The Midrash (Yalkut Shimoni Hosea
 528) makes a startling observation:

Fourth-century scholar Rabbi Zeira once
 found his teacher Rabbi Yehudah in an
 unusually good mood. Realizing that it
 was a propitious time to ask whatever
 he wanted, Rabbi Zeira posed the 
following question:

Joseph Dwells in Egypt (watercolor circa 
1896–1902 by James Tissot)

By Menahem Ben-Yashar*
Joseph's words to his brothers, in this week's 
reading—"I am your brother Joseph, he whom
 you sold into Egypt" (Gen. 45:4)—throw us 
back to the beginning of the great drama of 
Joseph in Egypt, to his being thrown into a pit
 and sold (Gen. 37:18-36).

Sat. 4th of Tevet, 5774
ד׳ בְּטֵבֵת תשע״ד
  • 7th of December 2013 

 Ezekiel -37 : 15- 28 Through kisses and tears, the children of Israel become one family again.In keeping with the theme of reunion, the Haftarah for Vayigash looks to a time in the future when the kingdoms of Judah and Israel will no longer be separated: "I will make them a single nation in the land…and NEVER AGAIN  shall they be divided into two nations" (37:22).Ezekiel promises: The divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel will one day be united.At the climax of Parashat Vayigash, Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers who had sold him into slavery 17 years earlier.

Sat. 4th of Tevet, 5774
ד׳ בְּטֵבֵת תשע״ד
  • 7th of December 2013 
Have A Nice Week

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