
تنـــــه   نـــــزن           טאנה  נאזאן     Tanehnazan

All The Articles And The Cartoons
 In This Section Are Borrowed 
From Jerusalem Post On Line

  *  Chanukah * Caricaroor In Politics

کارتون بالا
مرد: فقط به من بگو منظورت از اینی که
 امشب یک غذای یهودی گرانه داریم 
چیه و بسش کن
 زن : عزیز ز ز ز زم  تا میتونی داد بکش و مزاحم 
شو اینطوری گرسنه تر میشی و مجبور میشی
 از اون غذا ئی که منظورم بیشتر بخوری

کارتون بالا
اره! این درسته که ما تو اسرائیل هی
 پشت سر هم * انتخابات * میذاریم!
 اما بهتر از این نیستش که بیچاره مردم 
تموم کشورهای اطرافمون حتی 
نمیدونن که چطوری 
* انتخابات *
 رو  هجی بکنن؟

کارتون بالا مربوط میشود به اوضاع کنونی سیاسی
 اسرائیل با فشارهائی که از جانب « غرب »   بر او 
وارد میشود که با قربانی کردن ان کشور در مقابل
 « داعش / خلافت اسلامی » خود را از دست دندان
های تیز ان «  تمساح گرسنه و وحشی »  برهاند. 
در حالیکه غرب نمیداند که بعد از تناول اسرائیل توسط 
ان « تمساح فرمایشی »  نوبت به خوردن خود انان 
 توسط همان « تمساح » خواهد رسید.
 اضافه کنم که کارتونیست این موضوع، جمهوری اسلامی
 ایران و نظام اسلامی جدید ترکیه و سایر اسلامگرایان
 فناتیک دیگر در تمام قاره ها که بر علیه دنیای مسیحیت 
دندان تیز کرده اند را از یاد برده است  
که نام انان را نیز ذکر کند

Sun down At A Rainy friday On 12.12.14 in Tel-Aviv   
تل اویو در غروب روز بارانی ادینه دوازدهم دسامبر ۲۰۱۴ 

Dealing with assimilation? 'We want to show them that they are welcome here' (Photo: Shutterstock)
Dealing with assimilation? 'We want to 
show them that they are welcome here


President Rivlin onboard the Tanin, a German-made sub sold to Israel.Picture
President Rivlin onboard the Tanin,
 a German-made sub sold to Israel.


Aerial photo of farm house (Photographic credit: Skyview Company, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)

Aerial photo of farm house
 (Photographic credit: 
Skyview Company, courtesy 
of the Israel Antiquities Authority)

The face of Heracles on coin that was uncovered (Photo: Robert Kool, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)

The face of Heracles on coin that
 was uncovered (Photo: Robert
 Kool, courtesy of the Israel
 Antiquities Authority)




Dr. Simha Goldin and his father, a Polish soldier who was taken captive by the Soviet Army (Photos: Ido Erez, the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center at Tel Aviv University)

Dr. Simha Goldin and his father, a Polish 
soldier who was taken captive by the Soviet
Army (Photos: Ido Erez, the Goldstein-Goren
 Diaspora Research Center at Tel Aviv University)

Chanukah Jokes

 Hanukkah stamps?
Very Very Very Funny
Mary goes to the post office to buy stamps for her Hanukkah cards and she says to the cashier, 'May I have 50 Hanukkah stamps?'
The cashier says, 'What denomination?'
Miriam says, 'Oy vey, has it come to this? OK, give me 6 Orthodox, 12 Conservative, and 32 Reform.'

My mother once gave me two sweaters for Hanukkah. The next time we visited, I made sure to wear one.
As we entered her home, instead of the expected smile, she said, 'Aaron, what's the matter? You didn't like the other one?'

Short But Funny
  1. Most Texans think Hanukkah is some sort of duck call. - Richard Lewis
  1. I once wanted to become an atheist but I gave up ... they have no holidays. - Henny Youngman
  2. My father never lived to see his dream come true of an all-Yiddish-speaking Canada. - David Steinberg
  3. God, I know we are your chosen people, but couldn't you choose somebody else for a change? - Shalom Aleichem
  4. The remarkable thing about my mother is that for 30 years she served us nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found. - Calvin Trillin
  5. Let me tell you the one thing I have against Moses.  He took us 40 years into the desert in order to bring us to the one place in the Middle East that has no oil. - Golda Meir
  6. Even a secret agent can't lie to a Jewish mother. - Peter Malkin
  7. Don't be humble; you are not that great. - Golda Meir
  8. Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding in which you put your money in your pants pocket and give your coat to your creditors. - Sam Goldwyn
  9. God will pardon me.
    It's His business. - Heinrich Heine


Happy Chanukah


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