
Torah and Haftarah / Devarim


( Picture ) The flight of a pryer




Parshat Devarim: Moses reviews history


Harav * KOOK * Torah Institute

   Just as there are laws of 
poetry, so there is poetry in laws 
(Otzerot HaRe'iyah vol. II, p. 393)

Parashat, Devarim

Five Short Articles


Moses recounts to the Israelites episodes
 from the 40 years in the wilderness; 
he encourages the Israelites in their 
upcoming conquest of the land of

Picture / Generation TO  Generation

The haftarah selection 
is from Isaiah 1:1-27.
Tisha B’Av, the saddest day on the
 Jewish calendar, marks the
 anniversary of the destruction 
of the Temple.
 On the Shabbat before Tisha B’Av,
 which always coincides with 
Parashat Devarim, 


Reminder: This year Tisha B'av Begins at 
the sunset of July 27th. 2015 
And Ends at the sunset of July 26th. 2015 


These are interesting questions that have
 bothered mankind for quite a few centuries.
 Many philosophers have tried to answer
these questions. Let us try to understand it 
in depth, in the light of Jewish sources, and
 based on a famous Jewish story.


Have a beautiful 

and successful week

שבוע טוב, נעים ויפה

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