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For the English Readers


Shabbat Shalom

Weekly Torah Portion

Shabbat Hakodesh



Exodus 35:1-38:20

In this Torah portion, God commands the Israelites not to do any work in the Sanctuary on Shabbat. The Israelites gather gifts for God. They gather so many that they are restrained from searching for more. Moses says that Ohaliab and Bezalel, who are filled with the spirit of God, should take the gifts of the Israelites and build God's Sanctuary.

gold gifts

Click here for a summary of Vayakhel
Click here for a summary of the Haftarah 
for Vayakhel.



Exodus 38:21-40:38

In this Torah portion, Aaron and the priests are given their clothing for work in the Sanctuary. This marks the completion of the Tabernacle construction. Moses anoints Aaron and his sons to make their priestly positions official. A cloud descends upon the Tent of Meeting and God's presence fills the Tabernacle.


Click here for a summary of Pekudei.
Click here for a summary of the Haftarah for Pekudei.

March 13 2010

Have A Nice Weekend

Editor Daveed Fakheri

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