
Israel21c News
Sat, 12 February 2011 =  8th of Adar I, 5771 

The 22-nanometer technology that promises to make computers faster, smaller and lighter is coming out of an Intel Israel plant in Kiryat Gat.

The new electronic EpiLert bracelet under development in Israel will signal caregivers when the wearer begins to suffer a dangerous seizure.
JoyTunes banishes boredom by transforming instrumental practice sessions into an interactive video game.
New Zealand cows are arriving by the boatload in Vietnam as part of an Israeli-led $500 million dairy farm project there.
Born into the soap

A Druze grandma from northern Israel has created a soap empire that has attained celebrity status, used by the likes of Justin Timberlake, Rihanna and Angelina Jolie.

sraeli fertility trailblazer Dr. Bruno
Lunenfeld looks back on 50 years
 of achievement ahead of an international
 conference on gonadotropins

There's nothing funny about a terror attack, but the parents of one victim decided to celebrate their son's life with a series of biannual comedy tures across Israel 

Have a nice week

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