
8th of Adar  , 5771
Sat, 12 February 2011
Rabbi Avi Weinstein
The incense from the altar reminds us to unite our bodies and souls in our service of God, and to imbue our lives with holiness, purity, compassion and hope. MORE>
Your Torah Navigator
Toward the end of Parashat Tetzaveh, we learn that there are two altars, one for the animal sacrifices, the "korbanot" and one for burning the incense, the "ketoret." The design of this second altar is explicated in great detail, but the purpose of the incense is unclear. The altar is, however, to be used exclusively for incense. Only on Yom Kippur is the blood of animals to be sacrificed upon it. The only thing we know is that the aromatic incense is to be burned before the lamps of the menorah are prepared.
a summary of the portion
"And Moses," God commands, "you shall command the sons of Israel to use pure olive oil for kindling the light of the lamps. Aaron shall set up this light to burn continuously in the sanctuary. It will serve as a light for God for all generations.
"Have Aaron and his sons serve Me as priests. Make for them sacred garments using fine linen, gold and blue, purple and scarlet yarns. Make for them a breast-piece, an ephod, a robe, a tunic of checkered work and a sash. These garments must always be worn when officiating in My sanctuary.
The altar in the Temple.
Ezekiel 43:10-27
Ezekiel, prophesizing from exile, shares vivid apocalyptic visions. One of these is a vision of the future Third Temple, and part of this vision is the haftarah selection for Parashat Tetzaveh.
At the opening of the haftarah, God instructs Ezekiel to share with the people of Israel all the details of this future Temple: its layout, exits, entrances, floor plan, and all the relevant laws pertaining to its construction.
Though this is meant to be a comforting prophesy, God indicates that these details should make the people of Israel feel ashamed of their sins. Pairing rebuke with words of comfort is a common motif in the book of Ezekiel. In this context, the rebuke seems intended to motivate positive action--repentance and preparation for the Third Temple's construction  Read more 
This article is about the main speaker in the biblical Book of Ezekiel. For a summary and analysis of the book itself, see Book of Ezekiel.
Ezekiel (Hebrew: יְחֶזְקֵאל‎‎, Y'ḥez'qel, Hebrew pronunciation: [jəħezˈqel]), "God will strengthen" (from חזק, ḥazaq, [ħaˈzaq], literally "to fasten upon", figuratively "strong", and אל, el, [ʔel], literally "strength", figuratively "Almighty"), is the central protagonist of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Ezekiel is acknowledged as a Hebrew prophet. In Judeo-Christianity, he is also viewed as the author of the Book of Ezekiel that reveals prophecies regarding the destruction of Jerusalem and the Millenia Temple visions. READ MORE
 Abraham Zacuto ( זכות )
Abraham Zacuto (Hebrew: אברהם זכות‎, Portuguese: Abraão ben Samuel Zacuto, also
 braham ben Samuel Zacut and Abraham Zacut) (August 12, 1452 – probably 1515) was a Sephardi Jewish astronomer, astrologer, mathematician and historian who served as Royal Astronomer in the 15th century to King John II of Portugal. The crater Zagut on the Moon is named after him.

Jewish Jokes

A Rabbi and a bus driver in heaven

Two men enter the gates of Heaven. One is a Rabbi and the other a reckless bus driver. The angel shows them their new housing. 

The angel says, "Mr. Bus driver, here is you new house." The house is a huge mansion along with tennis courts and a swimming pool. The angel then walks a short distance and says, "Rabbi, here is your house." It's a total run down tiny house with weeds, old paint, and looks really bad. The Rabbi says to the angel,"There must be some mistake. Could you please check with your supervisor?" 

The angel asks them to wait a few minutes and returns. "Yes, it's right. It seems when you were doing your sermons the congregation would be bored and always fall asleep. When the bus driver was driving particularly in the snow the passengers were really praying." 

Have a wonderful week

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