Flowers Of Israel
* RE'EH *
Kashrut reminds us again and again
that Jewish spirituality is inseparable
from the physical.
By Rabbi Ruth H Sohn
Many people think the biblical prohibition against certain foods was for health reasons, but the reasoning in this week's Torah portion is less about health and more about holiness
eat' the common expression goes. I sometimes think of this saying in relation to kashrut (that is, keeping kosher). What do the choices that we make about what we eat reveal about who we really are? Many Jews today view kashrut as an outdated vestige of ancient Israelite practice, expanded upon by rabbinic Judaism, bur no longer relevant to modern day life. However, the presentation of the prohibitions associated with kashrut in Parashat R'eih challenges us to consider anew the purposes of kashrut.
Wikipedia / The division of animals into
kosher and non-kosher is mainly about
whether they can be eaten / Picture
Moses instructs the Israelites regarding
idolatry, false prophets, clean and unclean
foods, tithes, freeing slaves, and the
pilgrimage festivals.
BY, Nancy Reuben
In his last speech to the Israelites, Moses warns them, "If you follow God's laws, you will be blessed more than all the peoples of the earth. However, if you worship false idols and ignore the other commandments, then you shall be cursed and perish.
"These are the statutes which you are to
carry out. You shall utterly destroy the
places where the nations, whose property
you are taking over, served other gods. You
shall destroy their altars, break up their
memorial stones, burn down their sacred
trees, cut down the images of their gods
, and you shall
Parashat * RE'EH *
Parshat Re'eh: A Music Video Based on Moses's Words to the Israelites
* Re'eh *
God promises to rebuild
and restore Zion
The haftarah selection is
from Isaiah 54:11-55:5
In the seven weeks after Tisha B'Av we read a series of haftarot from the book of Isaiah that focus on themes of consolation. These haftarot are meant to comfort a nation that has just mourned for the destruction of its most sacred space and the exile from its homeland.
Jewish WORLD News
2011 . 28 . 8
5771 Jewish Calendar
IDF 2011 Highlights
IDF 2011 is Intel's premier conference in North America, where you get a firsthand look
at the technology that will be changing the industry.
After hours at IDF
The IDF Networking Nightcap is our way of saying thank you to Intel customers and IDF attendees. This celebration of people and technology will feature music, entertainment, and refreshments. Plus, it's one of the best places to meet up with old colleagues and make new contacts.
IDF Networking Nightcap
Tuesday, September 13
8:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
The IDF Mobile App is coming soon
Soon you will be able to plan your entire IDF 2011 experience on your smartphone or mobile device. You'll also have access to all of the forum information, including lecture sessions, panels, labs, Q&A, and poster chats no matter where you are.
What to see at IDF
The 2011 IDF Agenda is a balance of highly informative keynotes, technology and industry insights, and technical sessions that include lectures, panels, hands-on labs, and hot topic Q&As.
Technology Showcase
Leading companies will be on hand to demonstrate specific technology that can help you advance your latest projects.
Technical Sessions
You get relevant technical information on the latest products from top experts so you can take action immediately and achieve your goals while increasing your value within your company.
Festigal Team 2004 - Kan Noladeti
( I born here and my children born
here / " In ISRAEL " also )
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