
כ׳ בְּאִיָיר תשע״ב
 Shabat 20th of Iyyar, 5772
Saturday, 12th of May 2012 

The Blasphemer (ink and watercolor circa 1800 by William Blake)

Even when times are tough,
 we still must give.
Tzedakah can seem unnatural: we never want to give up what we have. When we have a lot, we say, “It’s mine--I worked hard for it and I want to keep it.” When we don’t have a lot or are worried that we won’t, we say, “It’s mine--I need it, so I can’t give it away.” The instinct to hoard is common, and the Torah goes out of its way to urge against it.
In the middle of a discussion about the festivals, Parashat Emor repeats the mitzvah we learned last week in Parashat Kedoshim: “And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 23:22). 
Emor for Families, from Torah Topics for Today
Sanctifiers of Time, from Orthodox Union
The Pursuit of Happiness, from American Jewish University
Sacred Time & Spacefrom AJWS
Our Relationship to Other Creatures, from Canfei Nesharim
Life & Lovefrom CLAL
Purity & Beauty, from Women of Reform Judaism

And not to forget to teach them Also
Science, Technology, Arts, Sports .....


* EMOR *

God gives Moses a series of laws

 specific to the priests; God then

 instructs Moses to tell the people

 about the festivals in addition to

 laws of blasphemy and murder

  • God gives Moses the laws specific to Aaron and all the priests. Priests are to stay pure and holy. They are not to have contact with the dead, nor profane the Name of God, nor marry a harlot nor even marry a divorced person. When the daughter of a priest degrades herself through harlotry, it is her father whom she degrades, and she must be burned in fire.
  • The High Priest must abide by additional rules. He must not let his hair on his head grow wild. He must not tear his garments in mourning, nor have contact with the dead. He must not go out of the Sanctuary. He must marry a virgin from among his people. If he becomes blemished, he must not approach the altar to bring an offering to God




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