
translation of the slogans 
Sufficient discrimination
Moses, so! And I am not?
Huge demonstrations
I also want to serve in the




Parshat Korach
 Moses vs. Korach 
 A Showdown of Biblical Proportions

 Fresco by Sandro Botticelli in the

Moses and Korah, 1466 manuscript miniature

Things do not go well for Korah--he complains
that Moses and Aaron have too much power,
 and then God opens up the earth and swallows
 him hole. But what was so wrong with wanting
 things even-stevenMORE>

Korah and his followers rebel against Moses'
 and Aaron's leadership and are killed; God
 instructs Aaron regarding laws of the priesthood.

The Death of Korah, Dathan

Now, Korah, a Levite, along with two sons of Eliab,
 decided to rise up against Moses with the support
 of 250 community leaders. They combined against
 Moses and Aaron, saying "You've gone too far.
 Why do you raise yourself up above us?"
When Moses heard this, he fell on his face,
 saying to Korah and his followers, "Come morning,
 God will make known who God is and who is holy.
" Then Moses added, "You have gone too far, sons
 of Levi. Is it not enough that God has set you apart
 from the community of Israel by having you perform
the duties of the Lord's Dwelling Place? Will you
seek priesthood too? Truly, you rebel against God.


 from Torah Topics for Today
 from Hillel
 from Orthodox Union
 from American Jewish University

 from AJWS

 from CLAL

from Women of Reform Judaism


Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935) 
 the first Chief Rabbi
 of pre-state Israel – was a mystic and a philosopher,
a preeminent Talmudic scholar and a Lurian Cabbalist,
 an original thinker and a saintly tzaddik.



The haftarah selection is from 
Samuel I, 11:14-12:22.
Having a king won't necessarily make
 life easier for the 12 tribes of Israel.

In the Book of Samuel, when the Israelites 
demand a king,
 God grants their request, and directs the 
prophet Samuel 
to find a young man named Saul and anoint him s
 as king (Samuel I, chapter 9). The haftarah for 
Parashat Korah,
 which tells the continuation of this story, begins 
 With Samuel preparing to travel to the town of 
Gilgal to perform Saul's official crowning

Everything is open '' "
By children of
School of Music

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