

Smell of the war?

Photos: AP, MCT, AFP, Reuters, CD Bank

Amid threats of Syria strike

United Nations Security Council

 Without maintaining the shameful 
 results of the " war of 1973 with Israel"
 that caused not to his country only but to  
the whole Muslim world ,
ASSAD says:




American Air Force

1973-Yom kippur war at syrian front

Please check this video to see the pathetic
 story of the Syrian families who have been
 chemically attacked or killed by the forces
 loyal to Assad like ( Iran's Revolutionary
 Guards and Hezbollah of Lebanon), and 
have been saved by miracle

Eastern Damascus Obama, Cameron speak: No doubt regime responsible Photo: Amanda Lucidon

Turkish soldiers.

The guided-missile destroyer USS Barry launches a Tomahawk cruise missile.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Using Facebook on the Internet

A child receives polio vaccination drops in Managua April 15, 2013.

Israeli police survey damage to a village near Nahariya following Thursday's rocket attack.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during a news conference in Andorra April 2, 2013.

Destruction in Syria.

PM Binyamin Netanyahu at UN

Police troopers secure a street in Sanaa August 5, 2013.

Free Syrian Army's Tahrir al Sham brigade fighters in Mleha suburb of Damascus, January 26, 2013.

Lebanese soldier at blast site [file]. Photo: REUTERS
Deadly Blast at Mosque in Tripoli,

 Lebanon Caught on Camera 

- 42 Killed, 600 Wounded - Lebanon

Obama under pressure to

Protesting the White House for Syria (Photo: AFP)Mourning in Syria (Photo: AFP PHOTO / HO / SHAAM NEWS NETWORK)

Lebanese cartoon: That I didn't do!

A US Navy destroyer launches a cruise missile in the Mediterranean Sea [file]

Supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi march in Cairo, August 23, 2013.

Hamas's Kassam Brigades [file].

The new app (Reproduction photo: 123rf/ Shift Media)

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