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So we can use them against the

 Anti- Semitic and Anti-Israel

 Groups with stronger force. 

their hatred is increasing day

 by day against us all over the 


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تماشاگران عزیز لطفا به وبلاگ جدید ما با نام 

IJL ( International Jewish Link )

که نمونه کارهای انرا در همین صفحه اورده ایم توجه بفرمائید

موضوع یهودی ستیزی و یا ضد اسرائیل عمل کردن که اکنون 

روز به روز بصورتهای وحشتناکی در سراسر دنیا رو به رشد

 میباشد را نباید سرسری گرفت .  به خصوص انکه ما اکنون از

قدرت اسمانی موجودیت کشور یهود، اسرائیل برخورداریم 

و هم به طور انفرادی و با هر جایگاه علمی و مالی که از ان 

 برخورداریم و با کمک فکر و اندیشه و دانش  و نبوغ یهودی که

 در وجودمان نهاده شده میتوانیم با انتشار مطالب مستند 

نه تنها رو در روی ان گروه های شیطان صفت بایستیم

 بلکه دیگر مردمان کشورها ئی را که از کنار کشتار بیسابقه

 شش میلیون انسان بی گناه و بی پناه که توسط  پدر جد این

 دسته و گروه های جدید که نام نئو نازیست را برخود نهده اند 

انجام گردیده به سادگی میگذرند از خطری که فردا بچه های 

انانرا نیز مورد تهدید قرار میدهد اگاه سازیم

لطفا از ارسال هر مطلب و نوشته و فیلم و یا عکس مستند

 که به موضوعات یهودی ستیزی و یا  موضوعاتی که بر

 اثر انان یهودیان  مورد تقدیر قرار گرفته اند خود داری نفرموده

 و از نظر خودتان در این زمینه ما را اگاه سازید


 חדשות של התרומה 

היהודית בעולם 

 בריאות רפואה מדע, 

טכנולוגיה ועוד

צופים יקרים

בבקשה בקרו בבלוג החדש שלנו 

IJL.com ( Internatinal Jewish Link ) 

למרות שהבלוג הזה הוא בבנייה 

עכשיו, אבל אתם יכולים  בדרך של

 הלינק תקבלו כל יום את החדשות

 הכי טריות של אותו היום.

 שלחו לנו בבקשה את כל מאמר, סיפור,

 סרט ותמונה הקשורים לאותם נושאים 

שדברנו עליהם. 

כך אנחנו יכולים להשתמש בהם כנגד

 הקבוצות האנטישמיות והאנטי ישראליות

 בכח יותר חזק.

 השנאה שלהם היא מגבירה מיום

 ליום בכל רחבי העולם נגדנו, 

מה לעשות? מחכים לתגובות שלכם

Science, Technology, Health, 
Environment, Entertainment Art,

 Culture, Social action


המסימה שלנו

هدف ما

News of the jewish contribution 

To The World  of humanity 


TECHNOLOGY and more 

חדשות של התרומה היהודית


ועוד לעולם האנושות

گزارش خدمات یهودیان در تمام  زمینه ها 
  در طول تاریخ انسانی و اکنون در ادامه انان
  به لطف الهی و برخورداری از کشور مقتدر اسرائیل
  که از پیشگامان اختراعات و اکتشافات در تمام علوم 
میباشد با دستی بازتر به جهانیان

2 . 15 . 14

שבת שלום


  • Sat, 15 February 2014 
  • 15th of Adar I, 5774
  • ט״ו בְּאַדָר א׳ תשע״ד

Moses Destroys the Tables of the Ten Commandments 
(watercolor circa 1896–1902 by James Tissot)


 wonder and proud of This Beautiful gifted 8 year old Israeli Girl * Alma Deutscher * who plays like a profesional Pianist, a Featured Violinist and A great Composer And POEM Writer . You'll, be surprised to see how much she unbelievably knowledgeable about music . At the end of her great performance we will listen to one of her operas that she wrote and sung it with a group. The name of the opera she chose for it, is ؛
" The sweeper of the bad dreams ".
Sent by Parviz Hakimi


    9 Great Quotes From
 * Golda Meir *

Sent by Parviz Hakimi


    "Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy
    to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny,
    inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement."

    (Golda with Ben Gurion)


    "It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them.
    We don't want victories anymore."


    "We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children.  We
    cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children.  We will
    only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they
    hate us."

    "My dear, old age is like an airplane flying in a storm.
    Once you're in it there's nothing you can do. You can't stop a plane, you
    can't stop a storm, you can't stop time. So you might as well take it easy,
    with wisdom."

(Golda with
    President Nixon)


    "A man who does not hate war is not fully human."

    "We Jews have a secret weapon in our struggle with the Arabs; we
    have no place to go."

(Golda with President Kennedy)

    "Let me tell you the one thing I have against Moses.  He
    took us forty years into the desert in order to bring us to the
one place in
    the Middle East that has no oil!"

(Golda working
    in the Kibbutz.)


    "We owe a responsibility not only to those who are in Israel but
    also to those generations that are no more, to those millions who have died
    within our lifetime, to Jews all over the world, and to generations of Jews
    to come.  We hate war.  We do not rejoice in victories.  We
    rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown, and when strawberries bloom in

    Don't be so humble, you aren't that great.

Mysterious Canadian-Iranian businessman
 suspected of spying for Iran claims Canada
 gave a Mossad agent allegedly involved in
 the 2010 Dubai hit on Hamas official
al-Mabhouh a new passport and identity.

Image: Rahm Emanuel Not Interested in Becoming First Jewish President


Jewish-Catholic ties


Pope Francis praises Jewish-Catholic ties

Pope Francis has said that he is looking forward to his trip to the Holy Land and is urging Christians and Jews to ‘construct a more just and fraternal world’, while making his remarks at the Vatican which included a delegation of American Jewish Committee leaders.
The Holy See has also called his trip to Israel, scheduled for May, of hope and peace. While also praising the work of the American Jewish Committee, and underlining their key role in promoting Jewish-Catholic relations.
Diplomatic relations between Israel and the Vatican were first established in 1993, during the tenure of Pope John Paul II. And with Pope Francis’ strong positive dialogue and close friendship with Jewish leaders, the foundation between the two faiths has only been improving. Francis has even hosted numerous kosher meals for visiting rabbi delegations at the Vatican.
The Pope’s visit to the Middle East aims to reach faiths and groups often overlooked by the Roman Catholic Church. Francis will travel to Israel, Jordan and the West Bank on May 24th and 25th.

Israel Hayom


Apartheid fact and 

myth - revealing

Sent by Susan Halimi / England

By : Dominique Moisi
ARIS – “How many divisions does the Pope have?” Joseph Stalin famously quipped when told to be mindful of the Vatican. In an updated lesson in realpolitik, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently was happy to count Pope Francis as an ally in opposing American military intervention in Syria. Presenting himself as the last pillar of respect for international law, Putin offered ethics lessons to the United States – and specifically to President Barack Obama MORE


I. J. L
 ( International Jewish Link ) 2.12.14

2 . 14 . 14


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/02/14/3934668/israel-laser-shield-moves-closer.html#storylink=cpy
Iran Emboldened by a
 Weak American President

Meet Our Sisters and Brothers with the Sound Of * Shema Israel שמע ישראל * in Papua New Guinea

Sent by Bahman Tehrani - L.A

  The American-Israeli 

Cooperative Enterprise

Will Jews be welcome in a future Palestinian state?

Myths & Facts: 2012

One of the most disturbing aspects of Secretary of State John Kerry's otherwise praiseworthy efforts to achieve a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is the fact that Kerry, the media and the international community all ignore outrageous Palestinian statements and positions. While the State Department lambastes Israel every time an Israeli deigns to question the U.S. approach, it is silent when Palestinians attack Kerry's intentions as well as his proposals. The most disgraceful Palestinian position that has gone uncontested is their plan to ethnically cleanse a future Palestinian state of Jews.
Click Here to Continue Reading

Jews in Sports: Seattle Seahawks Owner Wins Lombardi Trophy
Paul G. Allen's Seattle Seahawks football team won this year's Super Bowl. Allen is a famous American Jewish entrepreneur who co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates in the 1970s. Allen also owns the Portland Trailblazers basketball team and is an investor in companies such as Ticketmaster, Starwave and Priceline.com and Dreamworks, the film studio started by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen (all of whom are also Jewish).

Allen is just one of the many team owners and athletes who is Jewish. Click here to learn more about Jewish athletes and sports figures.

Jewish Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian award of the United States and recognizes individuals who have made "especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the U.S., to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors." In the decades since the award's establishment, at least 38 Jews have been recipients including Irving BerlinBob DylanAlbert SabinHenry Lehman and Elie Wiesel.

Classroom Battleground: An Israeli Professor's Expereince

Israel Studies at the United States Naval Academy  (January 31, 2014) by Professor Daniel Zisenwine
Read about one visiting Israeli professor's experience teaching at a military academy inMaryland in AICE's Jerusalem Post blog.

So convincing - Maps
Sent by Yoel / Israel

Attention: Mr. President Barak Obama 
Sent By Paris Fakheri

Send By I.S. Mehr

Source: Turkish Central Bank

Photo: AFP

Science, Technology, Health, ..... 

SodaStream 2014 – Sorry, Coke and Pepsi, Uncensored:

Gaucher disease victims have a deficiency in Glucocerebrosidase (beta-glucosidase) enzyme molecule. (Shutterstock)

Gaucher disease victims have a deficiency in Glucocerebrosidase (beta-glucosidase) enzyme molecule. (Shutterstock)

A new Israeli-Australian-US study looks at the main interaction between aerosols and clouds. (Shutterstock.com)

A new Israeli-Australian-US study looks at the main interaction between aerosols and clouds. (Shutterstock.com)

If you have trouble conceiving because of PCOS, try eating a heartier breakfast. Image via Shutterstock.com

If you have trouble conceiving because of PCOS, try eating a heartier breakfast. Image via Shutterstock.com

Natalie Portman heard from friends about the Israeli aid effort and wanted to get involved. (Shutterstock)
Natalie Portman heard from friends about the Israeli aid effort and wanted to get involved. (Shutterstock)
Evan Cohen, left — Israel’s top ranked Scrabble player on the international circuit — plays Naomi Landau at a previous Israeli Open Scrabble Tournament.

Gameboard from an Israeli Scrabble Open.
Maureen Hoch (left) and Avril Dawn Shaw, both of the Tel Aviv Scrabble Club. 

Dr. Abba Hydara of Gambia plays Raz Naot from the Tel Aviv Scrabble Club at the first Israeli Open. 

Cosyflex fabric stretches in all directions.

Cosyflex fabric stretches in all directions.

 Illuminated Scroll of Esther, early 17th century, Ferrara, Italy. Photo by William Gross

Illuminated Scroll of Esther, early 17th century, Ferrara, Italy. Photo by William Gross

Gutenberg Bible leaf from 1450 containing 1 Samuel in Latin. Photo by Ardon Bar-Hama
Torah scroll written in 15th century Spain. Photo by Ardon Bar-Hama
A rendering of the destruction of Jerusalem in the Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel, Germany 1493. Photo by Ardon Bar-Ham

Martin Luther’s 1525 translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into German. Photo by Hannah Rhymes

Some 800 varieties of sea life live in the Red Sea. (Shai Oron/Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences)

Some 800 varieties of sea life live in the Red Sea. (Shai Oron/Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences)

 This week’s photo of a blossoming almond tree was taken by Flash90.




Niv Sheinfeld (right) and Oren Laor (The Schusterman Visiting Israeli Artist Program).

Mars One is a not-for-profit foundation hoping to establish a permanent human settlement on the Red Planet. (Photo courtesy of Mars One)

Mars One is a not-for-profit foundation hoping to establish a permanent human settlement on the Red Planet. (Photo courtesy of Mars One)

Insightec ExAblate

Israeli ingenuity is responsible for some of the world’s most amazing medical advances.

Israel serves as a model for other countries in preventing blindness. Photo by Nati Shohat/Flash90

Israel serves as a model for other countries in preventing blindness. Photo by Nati Shohat/Flash90

Israeli scientists are using technology to transform the lives of the world’s vision-impaired. Photo via shutterstock*

Israeli scientists are using technology to transform the lives of the world’s vision-impaired. 


"Freedom of information is often sacrificed
 to purported security requirements," says report.

Israeli scientists are using technology to transform the lives of the world’s vision-impaired. Photo via shutterstock*

Israeli scientists are using technology to transform the lives of the world’s vision-impaired. 

UpSense keyboard for the blind. Photo by Mark Neiman/GPO

Nano Retina
Bionic contact lens
Amblyz electronic eyeglasses.

Amblyz electronic eyeglasses, based on a patent owned by Dr. Omri Ben Ezra, treats childhood amblyopia, or “lazy eye,” via an autom

MobileOCT CEO Ariel Beery, right, receives $100,000 investment prize from Philippe Telio, founder and producer of the International Startup Festival and Elevator World Tour.

MobileOCT CEO Ariel Beery, right, receives $100,000 investment prize from Philippe Telio, founder and producer of the International Startup Festival and Elevator World Tour.

Israeli researchers are using holography to artificially stimulate cells in the eye, with hopes of developing a new strategy for bionic vision restoration.

Israeli researchers are using holography to artificially stimulate cells in the eye, with hopes of developing a new strategy for bionic vision restoration.

Idan Raichel, before the haircut.  Photo by Bartzi Goldblat

The Israeli star’s ‘Quarter to Six’ album was one of the 10 Best World Albums of 2013 on the Apple online store.
Israel on the Scrabble mapSodaStream’s Super Bowl ad gets banned – goes viralChristian Nazarenes launch tourism campaign

Nir Gaist was just 10 when he went into business. Photo by Asaf Kliger

Nir Gaist was just 10 when he went into business. Photo by Asaf Kliger

New mothers often worry about how much breast milk their babies are getting. Image via Shutterstock.com

Trumpeldor Cemetery. Photo by Flash90.

Trumpeldor Cemetery. 

Jewish National Fund isn’t only
 Planting water in israel

The hills leading up to Jerusalem. Most of the trees in Israel today were planted by the Jewish National Fund. Photo by Flash90
Israeli President Shimon Peres, left, with CNN international business correspondent Richard Quest at the Israel Business Conference. Photo by Tamar Matsafi

Israeli President Shimon Peres, left, with CNN international business correspondent Richard Quest at the Israel Business Conference. Photo by Tamar Matsafi

The socialization aspect is just as important for the parents.

The socialization aspect is just as important for the parents.

Be’eri with young patients and their mothers.

Tots on ventilators come from all segments of society.

No more interrupted sleep from apnea? Image via Shutterstock.com

No more interrupted sleep from apnea? Image via Shutterstock.com

Counterbalancing protein IL-5’s advantage over its opponent, PIR-A, could lead to new treatment approaches. Image via Shutterstock.com

Counterbalancing protein IL-5’s advantage over its opponent, PIR-A, could lead to new treatment approaches. Image via Shutterstock.com

Israeli doctors push the limits of male fertility

Testosterone therapy improved the sperm count and quality of an Israeli man suffering from infertility. Image via Shutterstock.com

Testosterone therapy improved the sperm count and quality of an Israeli man suffering from infertility. Image via Shutterstock.com

The critter that doesn’t get cancer. Photo by Michael Margulis, Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa

The critter that doesn’t get cancer. Photo by Michael Margulis, Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa

Using Itamar’s WatchPAT, doctors can diagnose sleep disorders like sleep apnea, at home.

Using Itamar’s WatchPAT, doctors can diagnose sleep disorders like sleep apnea, at home.

Doctoral student Danielle Karo-Atar studying macrophages at Tel Aviv University.

Doctoral student Danielle Karo-Atar studying macrophages at Tel Aviv University.

In praise of the pomegranate. Photo by Flash90.

In praise of the pomegranate. Photo by Flash90.

Pomegranate seeds are beautiful and healthful.
Pomegranate seeds are beautiful and healthful.
Juran’s seed separator at work.
Juran’s seed separator at work.
Dr. Ephraim Lansky with a pomegranate flower.
Dr. Ephraim Lansky with a pomegranate flower.
 The pomegranate figures prominently in Israeli artworks, such as this mosaic in Jerusalem by Ruslan Sergeev.
The pomegranate figures prominently in Israeli artworks, such as this mosaic in Jerusalem by Ruslan Sergeev.

Prof. Amir Aharoni at work in his lab. Photo by Dani Machlis/BGU

Prof. Amir Aharoni at work in his lab. Photo by Dani Machlis/BGU

An anterior cruciate ligament. Image via Shutterstock.com.

An anterior cruciate ligament. Image via Shutterstock.com.

Total Lift in the 60-degree position.

Total Lift in the 60-degree position.

Insulin is made in the islet cells of the pancreas (highlighted). Image courtesy of Yuval Dor/Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School.

Insulin is made in the islet cells of the pancreas (highlighted). Image courtesy of Yuval Dor/Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School.

Doctoral student Danielle Karo-Atar studying macrophages at Tel Aviv University.

Doctoral student Danielle Karo-Atar studying macrophages at Tel Aviv University.

Viruses can outsmart the immune system. Image via Shutterstock.com

Viruses can outsmart the immune system. Image via Shutterstock.com

PhD student Yotam Bar-On is seeking a new way of treating the flu. Photo courtesy of the Hebrew University
PhD student Yotam Bar-On is seeking a new way of treating the flu. Photo courtesy of the Hebrew University

Israel’s biotech industry is attracting attention from all over the world.

Israel’s biotech industry is attracting attention from all over the world.

Dr. Vittorio Grazioli, head of laboratories for CDI (Centro Diagnostico Italianio) at BioMed in Israel.
Dr. Vittorio Grazioli, head of laboratories for CDI (Centro Diagnostico Italianio) at BioMed in Israel.
Dana Gavish-Fridman of Yissum, the tech transfer company of Hebrew University.
Dana Gavish-Fridman of Yissum, the tech transfer company of Hebrew University.

A supplement derived from oysters, beef or soy may improve the condition of people with degenerative brain disorders such as Parkinson’s. Image via Shutterstock.com

A supplement derived from oysters, beef or soy may improve the condition of people with degenerative brain disorders such as Parkinson’s. Image via Shutterstock.com

From left, Prof. Benjamin Sredni, Lital Kalich-Philosoph, Prof. Dror Meirow and Dr. Hadassa Roness with a diagram of what happens in the ovaries during chemo combined with AS101. Photo courtesy of Sheba Medical Center

From left, Prof. Benjamin Sredni, Lital Kalich-Philosoph, Prof. Dror Meirow and Dr. Hadassa Roness with a diagram of what happens in the ovaries during chemo combined with AS101. Photo courtesy of Sheba Medical Center

Surgeons do not need complex training to learn how to use BioWeld1.

Surgeons do not need complex training to learn how to use BioWeld1.

The product provides a next-generation alternative to staples and stitches.
The product provides a next-generation alternative to staples and stitches.

“There is no neurological syndrome that has nothing to do with the immune system,” says Prof. Alon Monsonego. Photo by Dani Machlis/BGU

“There is no neurological syndrome that has nothing to do with the immune system,” says Prof. Alon Monsonego. Photo by Dani Machlis/BGU

Inna Slutsky

The Palestine oak is a source of powerful antibacterial substances. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

The Palestine oak is a source of powerful antibacterial substances. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Swallowing a pill is much more palatable for diabetics than getting an injection. Photo via Shutterstock
Swallowing a pill is much more palatable for diabetics than getting an injection. Photo via Shutterstock*

Lost dogs, special offers… Meetey wants to help make communities come together.

Lost dogs, special offers… Meetey wants to help make communities come together.

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