
16th and 17th of

February 2014 Issue

‘All the children contributed with a full heart – it didn’t
 matter if they were Jewish or Arab,’ says the Israeli 
teacher heading the collection drive.

How Israeli technology is changing the
way you shop for fashion online.

Buying apparel online? Thank an Israeli programmer. Image via Shutterstock.com

Buying apparel online? Thank an Israeli programmer. Image via Shutterstock.com

Israeli newlyweds launch hub for event planners and contractors where brides and grooms can manage their event from a web-enabled device.

The HoneyBook team, from left, CTO Dror Shimoni and Naama and Oz Alon.

The HoneyBook team, from left, CTO Dror Shimoni and Naama and Oz Alon.

‘People can hear certain Israeli elements in our music, but we all just speak the language of music, and that has no borders or boundaries,’ says the saxophonist
Uri Gurvich

Uri Gurvich

BabEl album cover.
BabEl album cover.
Former Keter plastics executives turn their expertise into a humanitarian project to help millions of disabled children in developing countries get to school.
This wheelchair is meant to look like a cool toy.

This wheelchair is meant to look like a cool toy.

To celebrate HER / HIM Day: ISRAEL21c brings its readers 
a list of the top 10 places to visit with that special someone.The top 10 most romantic places in Israel

Photo courtesy of Israel Pictures

Mercury (right) and Venus (left) at sunset 
above the Weiss Observatory in Mitzpe Ramon.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Creative Commons

4. Tower of David Museum, Jerusalem

The night spectacular at the Tower of David Museum.

5. Old Jaffa, Tel Aviv-Jaffa

Jaffa is one of the most romantic spots 
in the Tel Aviv area.
 (Photo: Old Jaffa Development Company)

6. Beit Yannai Beach, Beit Yannai

Photo by Flash90
Take a picnic and someone you love,
 and watch the sun go down over Beit Yannai.

8. Carmel Forest Spa, Carmel Forest Nature Reserve

Photo courtesy of Carmel Forest Spa

9. Dead Sea

Photo by Yaakov Naumi/Flash90

A new air-tight system for administering hazardous 
drugs is made in Israel and distributed in hospitals 
and clinics worldwide.
The device is used in hundreds of hospitals.

Brainsway is a ground-breaking new technology 
for neurological disorders, depression and addictions.

Brainsway stimulates deep structures of the brain.

Brainsway stimulates deep structures of the brain.

The free Israeli phone and Web app aims to bring the engagement factor from social networks offline and into actual neighborhoods across the world.

Lost dogs, special offers… Meetey wants to help make communities come together.

Lost dogs, special offers… Meetey wants to help make communities come together.

Beersheva’s CyberSpark cyber-security development 
complex breaks ground as international companies
 seek Israeli expertise.
Cyber attacks are changing today to tailor made attacks designed for specific organizations or groups. Image via Shutterstock

Cyber attacks are changing today to tailor made attacks designed for specific organizations or groups. Image via Shutterstock

From left, John D. Evans, vice president for business innovation at Lockheed Martin; Dr. Rivka Carmi, president of Ben-Gurion University; Orna Berry, general manager of EMC Israel Center of Excellence in Israel; and Beersheva Mayor Ruvik Danilovich. Photo by Coby Kantor
From left, John D. Evans, vice president for business innovation at Lockheed Martin; Dr. Rivka Carmi, president of Ben-Gurion University; Orna Berry, general manager of EMC Israel Center of Excellence in Israel; and Beersheva Mayor Ruvik Danilovich. Photo by Coby Kantor

According to serial entrepreneur Yochi Slonim it’s 
differentiating an idea that will make your company
 a success, not product features.
Slonim specializes in helping startups differentiate their product idea. Image via Shutterstock.com

Slonim specializes in helping startups differentiate their product idea. Image via Shutterstock.com

Slonim enjoyed discovering startup “diamonds in the rough.”

He never finished high school, but that has not kept this daring Israeli entrepreneur from international fame for his ‘Paranoid’ software.
Nir Gaist was just 10 when he went into business. Photo by Asaf Kliger

Nir Gaist was just 10 when he went into business. Photo by Asaf Kliger

At 25, Gaist heads a growing international cyber security firm based in Israel. Photo by Asaf Kliger

ISRAEL21c takes a tour of the visual artist’s eclectic
 workspace as she gears up to build a bridge of salt
 across the Dead Sea next year.



Sigalit Landau portrait by Eldad Karin.
One of Landau’s conceptions of the future Salt Route Bridge.
“Holes Roles Pillars and Poles,” a 2013 work in white marble.
Women’s voices from the stovetop.

Israeli artist Tal Peleg has revamped the eye art discipline with eye-catching, colorful designs.
The Princess and the Frog artfully makes use of the eyebrow.

The Princess and the Frog artfully makes use of the eyebrow.

When Katy Perry tweeted this design, it really got the ball rolling.
Tal Peleg models her Princess and the Pea design.
Anyone for sushi?
“Land of Tears” was inspired by a passage from The Little Prince.

Reut Institute founder talks with 
ISRAEL21c upon the publication

Grinstein is a sought-after speaker at conferences on Israel’s future.

Grinstein is a sought-after speaker at conferences on Israel’s future.

Meet Vania Heymann, the 27-year-old Israeli behind 
the new viral video featuring a host of celebrities
 lip-synching to Like a Rolling Stone.

Vania Heymann as seen in a student video he made about a watering can.

Vania Heymann as seen in a student video he made about a watering can.

Tomer Kagan, Israeli-born CEO of Quixey, explains why
 he’s scouting a Tel Aviv location for his fast-growing app 
Tomer Kagan

Tomer Kagan - Fat Boy

Prof. Evyatar Erell’s goal is to turn your home into
 a comfortable, enjoyable and energy efficient space 
for the climate you l
Prof. Erell with a prototype of the Seasons Window.

Prof. Erell with a prototype of the Seasons Window.

Israel’s leading eldercare, rehab and social-welfare
 NGO is ‘constantly evaluating the immediate needs 
in Israeli society in social welfare and healthcare.’
Gardening therapy is one of the services at Reuth Medical Center.

Gardening therapy is one of the services at Reuth Medical Center.

Children at Reuth Medical Center can receive acute chronic care.

This vintage photo shows the organization’s origins as a soup kitchen.

Pears Program incubates Israeli startups dedicated to 
doing well by doing good for people in developing nations.
Nurturing the best startup ideas for the developing world. Image via Shutterstock

Nurturing the best startup ideas for the developing world. Image via Shutterstock

Aliza Belman Inbal, director of international development at the Pears Program for Innovation and International Development

Seventy young leaders will meet in Caesarea, 
Israel, next month to brainstorm entrepreneurial
 ideas to better the develop
Brainstorming for the developing world. Image via Shutterstock.com

Brainstorming for the developing world. Image via Shutterstock.com

Danielle Abraham and Daniel Ben Yehuda organize Israeli Designed International Development.

Rescued dogs rehabilitate people in a unique therapeutic 
program devised by an Israeli trainer for at-risk and special-needs youths.

A Dogs for People guide shows a client how to do agility training.

A Dogs for People guide shows a client how to do agility training.

Dog-handling builds teens’ self-esteem.
“The dog is the therapist.”
A Dogs for People agility competition in Sderot.

An Israeli graduate student is working on an international project to reintroduce prawns to eat parasite-carrying snails in African waters.

Amit Savaia, left, with Elizabeth Huttinger from Project Crevette and Badjie, a local fisherman who supplies the prawns.

Amit Savaia, left, with Elizabeth Huttinger from Project Crevette and Badjie, a local fisherman who supplies the prawns.

This watering hole in Senegal is a breeding ground for snail fever. 
Technician Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Fall at the research station in Senegal.
This is a mature African river prawn.
Heating greenhouses,

 reducing greenhouse gases

One Israeli company is finding alternative ways to
 heat greenhouses, and is also helping international 
clients reduce polluting 'greenhouse gases.

Israel’s Energy Industries is helping reduce greenhouse gases in Ghana. Image via Shutterstock.com

Israel’s Energy Industries is helping reduce greenhouse gases in Ghana. Image via Shutterstock.com

Zion Suki heads Israel’s Energy Industries.
Zion Suki heads Israel’s Energy Industries.

If all goes well with the first test run, motorists could be filling their cars with a new fuel made with methanol and gasoline in as little as two years. Photo by Flash90.

If all goes well with the first test run, motorists could be filling their cars with a new fuel made with methanol and gasoline in as little as two years. Photo by Flash90.

‘What is going on here is really remarkable. 
I don’t think this took hold so quickly and 
intensely in any other place in the world,’ says
 Israeli food writer Ori Shavit.
Café Greg’s vegan “shakshuka antipasto,” without eggs. Photo by Elad Gutman

Café Greg’s vegan “shakshuka antipasto,” without eggs. Photo by Elad Gutman

Ori Shavit, a freier no longer. Photo by Dan Lev
Shavit appears frequently on Israeli TV to show how tasty vegan cuisine can be. Photo by Lenny Ben Basat
Café Greg added vegan entrees at many branches due to popular demand. Photo by Elad Gutman

Israel’s AgriTask software helps farmers large and
 small make better predictive choices based on 
crowdsourced data.
Taking the guesswork out of farming. Image via Shutterstock.com

Taking the guesswork out of farming. Image via Shutterstock.com

Farm management via smartphone.
Measuring pests lets farmers make good decisions about spraying.

ScanTask CEO Israel Fraier.

Vertigo Ecological Arts Village welcomes visitors to take part in anything from mud-building and green-tech sessions to dance.
From an ecological village to dance, Vertigo offers visitors an unusual experience. Photo by Flash90.
by “green” electricity and showers fashioned from discarded army beds.
 From an ecological village to dance, Vertigo offers visitors an unusual experience. Photo by Flash90.

You’ve heard about drip irrigation and cherry tomatoes,
 but there are hundreds of Israeli technologies changing
 the world’s farms for the better. ISRAEL21c chooses the top 12.

Israel’s Algatechnologies mass-produces microalgae in the desert to produce astaxanthin, a powerful and natural antioxidant.

Israel’s Algatechnologies mass-produces microalgae in the desert to produce astaxanthin, a powerful and natural antioxidant.

Martin Gerstel, chairman of Evogene.
Milking technologies from AfiMilk.



Israel’s Enzootic makes prawn farmers an appetizing 
offer: a treatment method to control and rear the crustaceans

When raised in a single-sex environment, male prawns yield a higher harvest.

When raised in a single-sex environment, male prawns yield a higher harvest.

Freshwater male prawns.

The goal isn’t to fight desertification, it’s to arrest it, 
says award-winning director of Israel’s Blaustein
 Institutes for Desert Research, Prof. Pedro Berliner.

Prof. Pedro Berliner in Sde Boker.

Prof. Pedro Berliner in Sde Boker.

Israeli startup Oggii offers a $30 product that monitors
 your dog’s movements to measure its overall health.
Anna models her Oggii chip. Photograph by Amos Bar-Zeev.

Anna models her Oggii chip. Photograph by Amos Bar-Zeev.


Sent by I . S. Mehr


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