What the Torah Says About Justice
Moses reviews for the Israelites their
system of justice, the rules of kingship,
their relationship to idolatrous nations,
and the rules of doing battle.

I was a college student doing about 78 mph on my way from Pittsburgh to New York City to visit my boyfriend. Suddenly flashing lights appeared behind me, my stomach flipped over, and I was busted. The officer sauntered up to my window. He asked questions that I felt were intrusive, like where was I going, where was I coming from, who was I going to see. He made a comment about my “pretty face” being smashed if I crashed at that speed. I wanted him to just give me a ticket and go away. Finally he did.
The Haftarah selection is
from Isaiah, 51:12-52:12.
It is taken from the Book of Isaiah-
-a prophet who lived in the time of
the Babylonian Exile and consoled
Israel with comforting prophecies of
the return to Zion. The haftarah for
Shoftim begins, characteristically enough:
"I, I am He who comforts you!" (51:12)
Using modern medical technology
a wide range of genetic maladies
can be detected,
but is that a good thing?
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