
Israel21c - 1 .14 . 2015


In the TLV1 studio, from left, Gadi Levin of LabStyle, Nadav Kidron of Oramed and Yishai Knobel of Helparound.
In the TLV1 studio, from left, Gadi Levin of LabStyle, Nadav Kidron of Oramed and Yishai Knobel of Helparound.
ISRAEL21c in collaboration with TLV1.
ISRAEL21c in collaboration with TLV1.

 The Go.ProIL team win 3rd prize at the Reut Institute Hackathon.
The Go.ProIL team win 3rd prize at the Reut Institute Hackathon. From left to right: Rona Langer-Ziv, Avigail Perl, Dima Kogan, Nicky Blackburn, Ethan Cowan, Viva Sarah Press, Denisse Schnabel.

Lior Vaknin speaking at the first meeting of Israeli Startups NYC.
Lior Vaknin speaking at the first meeting of Israeli Startups NYC.

Image via Shutterstock.com

 The lounge inside WeWork’s Boston office.
The lounge inside WeWork’s Boston officez

Image via Shutterstock.com
Image via Shutterstock.com

Israel reinvents the wheel. Revolutionary technology from SoftWheel.
Israel reinvents the wheel. Revolutionary technology from SoftWheel.

Image via Shutterstock

Brayola and 24me - two Israeli startups led by women.
Brayola and 24me – two Israeli startups led by women.

CEO Orit Mossinson is making international media appearances.
CEO Orit Mossinson is making international media appearances.


Image via Shutterstock.com
Tal Givoly, Medivizor's Co-Founder and CEO (blue shirt) is flanked by mHealth Israel organizers.
Tal Givoly, Medivizor’s Co-Founder and CEO (blue shirt) is flanked by mHealth Israel organizers.

The Quiet Therapeutics team.
The Quiet Therapeutics team.

We are less capable of handling stress after dark. Image via Shutterstock

ECG image via Shutterstock.com

Image via Shutterstock.com
Image via Shutterstock.com

Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld of Israel’s Zabludowicz Center of Autoimmune Diseases.
Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld of Israel’s Zabludowicz Center of Autoimmune Diseases.

Image via Shutterstock.com

Analyzing data transmitted from patients. Image courtesy of Intel.
Analyzing data transmitted from patients. Image courtesy of Intel.

Patient instructions made simple.
Patient instructions made simple.

Images from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev JAMA Neurology study.
Images from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev JAMA Neurology study.


Technion students take soil samples at the site of the disaster. Photo courtesy of the Technion
Technion students take soil samples at the site of the disaster. Photo courtesy of the Technion

Technion students take soil samples at the site of the disaster. Photo courtesy of the Technion
Technion students take soil samples at the site of the disaster. Photo courtesy of the Technion

Photo by Sophie Gordon/FLASH90
Photo by Sophie Gordon/FLASH90
 Image via Shutterstock.com
Image via Shutterstock.com
GreenWall can do ornamental as well as edible gardens.
GreenWall can do ornamental as well as edible gardens.
A GreenWall installation in Israel.
A GreenWall installation in Israel.

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development organized the Jerusalem #LightForLima solar-lantern event. Photo by Gundula M. Tegtmeyer for the ICSD
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development organized the Jerusalem #LightForLima solar-lantern event. Photo by Gundula M. Tegtmeyer for the ICSD

Hungry? Pop a pod into the machine.
Hungry? Pop a pod into the machine.

Petbnb helps you find your pet a welcome home away from home while you are on holiday. Photo by www.shutterstock.com
Petbnb helps you find your pet a welcome home away from home while you are on holiday. Photo by www.shutterstock.com

Image via Shutterstock.com.

GreenOnyx system for growing and preparing Khai-nam, a.k.a. watermeal.
GreenOnyx system for growing and preparing Khai-nam, a.k.a. watermeal.


Berlin-based photographer David Meskhi took shots of ordinary people wearing Maya Bash clothing.
Berlin-based photographer David Meskhi took shots of ordinary people wearing Maya Bash clothing.

Rhinos at the Ramat Gan safari. Photo by Moshe Shai/FLASH90
Rhinos at the Ramat Gan safari. Photo by Moshe Shai/FLASH90

Ester Rada.
Ester Rada.
WeWork aims to transform global business culture.
WeWork aims to transform global business culture.

Stone basin used for crushing olives. Photo by Ehud Galili/Israel Antiquities Authority
Stone basin used for crushing olives. Photo by Ehud Galili/Israel Antiquities Authority

Keep an eye on Israeli teen Yshai Oliel on the world's tennis courts.
Keep an eye on Israeli teen Yshai Oliel on the world’s tennis courts.

Sylven Landesberg at the Nokia Arena. Photo by Deborah Danan/Headline Media
Sylven Landesberg at the Nokia Arena. Photo by Deborah Danan/Headline Media

 Young people have been flocking to the Haifa Port for Kartel events. Photo by Matansky
Young people have been flocking to the Haifa Port for Kartel events. Photo by Matansky
The work of Know Hope was featured at Kartel.
The work of Know Hope was featured at Kartel.
An indoor Kartel exhibit.
An indoor Kartel exhibit.
Ghostown is among the founders of the Kartel project. Photo by CJ Parel
Ghostown is among the founders of the Kartel project. Photo by CJ Parel

 Social Action 

BGU professor wins Bill & Melinda Gates grant
 to continue his years-long fight to wipe out
 parasitic infections in Ethiopia.

Moshe Hogeg presenting Mobli. Photo courtesy of Holatelcel
Moshe Hogeg presenting Mobli. Photo courtesy of Holatelcel

US vets Anthony and James laying a wreath at Latrun war memorial. Photo by Judy Schaffer
US vets Anthony and James laying a wreath at Latrun war memorial. Photo by Judy Schaffer

Navigating public transport can be difficult for people with disabilities. Photo by Miriam Alster/FLASH90
Navigating public transport can be difficult for people with disabilities. Photo by Miriam Alster/FLASH90

Ready to give?
Ready to give?


Romans once flocked to Beit She’an for entertainment such as blood sports. (Itamar Grinberg/Israel Tourism Ministry)
Romans once flocked to Beit She’an for entertainment such as blood sports. (Itamar Grinberg/Israel Tourism Ministry)
Beit She’an National Park viewed through the Roman theater ruins. (Israel Tourism Ministry)
Beit She’an National Park viewed through the Roman theater ruins. (Israel Tourism Ministry)

 Temporary farm work can help extend a vacation. Photo by Flash90.
Temporary farm work can help extend a vacation. Photo by Flash90.


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