
NEWS UPDATE 4 - 11 - 15


Israeli scientists find answer to mystery behind moon's creation

Scientists from the Technion Institute of Technology in Haifa conduct study that provides answer to why the earth and the moon are almost identical - a question scientists have tried to answer for 30 years.

Graphic showing Giant Impact Hypothesis.

Graphic showing Giant Impact Hypothesis.

Supermoon viewed from Jerusalem. (Photo: EPA)
Supermoon viewed from Jerusalem.


Ayatollah Khamenei. Determined to safeguard the regime (Photo: AFP)

Ayatollah Khamenei. Determined to safeguard the regime 

Hassan Rouhani. Openess brings prosperity. (Photo: AP)
Hassan Rouhani. Openess brings prosperity. 

Mohammed Ali Jafari (Photo: Reuters)
Mohammed Ali Jafari


Prime minister attends Moroccan Jewish
 celebration marking end of Passover, 
says gov't's first task will be to tackle
 cost of living and housing issues.

Prime Minister Netanyau and his wife Sara at Mimouna celebrations in Or Akiva (Photo: Elad Gershgoren)

Prime Minister Netanyau and his wife Sara at Mimouna celebrations in Or Akiva 

MK Stav Shaffir celebrates in Beit Shemesh (Photo: Gil Yohanan)

MK Stav Shaffir celebrates in Beit Shemesh 

Lieberman at Mimouna celebrations in Jerusalem (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

Lieberman at Mimouna celebrations in Jerusalem 

Former President Peres with Malka family in Tel Aviv (Photo: Elad Malka)

Former President Peres with Malka family in Tel Aviv 

Herzog in Beit Shemesh (Photo: Gil Yohanan)

Herzog in Beit Shemesh 

Celebrations at Beit Shemesh (Photo: Gil Yohanan)

Celebrations at Beit Shemesh 

Lapid at celebrations in Rehovot

Lapid at celebrations in Rehovot

MK Miri Regev with Avitan family in moshav Sde Tzvi

MK Miri Regev with Avitan family in moshav Sde Tzvi

Rain in Tel Aviv (Photo: Merav Yigla)

Rain in Tel Aviv 

Photo: Merav Yigla

Preparing sweets in Beit Shemesh (Photo: Gil Yohanan)

Preparing sweets in Beit Shemesh

Getting ready for the Mimouna in Bat Yam - where celebrations will be held as usual (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

Getting ready for the Mimouna in Bat Yam - where celebrations will be held as usual 

Setting up for the Mimouna in Bat Yam (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

Setting up for the Mimouna in Bat Yam

Rain on Tel Aviv's Ben Zion Boulevard (Photo: Shahar Yalov)

Rain on Tel Aviv's Ben Zion Boulevard

Rain causes flooding in Tel Aviv (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

Rain causes flooding in Tel Aviv 

Cloudy weather in Ashdod (Photo: Shmuel David)

Cloudy weather in Ashdod

Mount Hermon had 10 cm of snow (Photo: Avihu Shapira)
Mount Hermon had 10 cm of snow

ANTI - SEMITISM and the 


Buchenwald concentration camp. (Photo: Three Lions)

Buchenwald concentration camp. 

Memorial at Buchenwald Concentration Camp

Twenty pre-army students participating
 in the Tavor mechina were educated
upon values of Israeli, Jewish and Zionist 
legacy for several months – the results 
– 14 were accepted into elite IDF units.

Tavor mechina graduates (Photo courtesy of Tavor mechina)

Tavor mechina graduates

Suspects being brought to court (Photo: EPA)

Suspects being brought to court 

Evidence against suspects being brought to court (Photo: EPA)
Evidence against suspects being brought to court 

Michael Douglas

In Shiraz (Photo: Orly Azoulay)

In Shiraz

The Tomb of Esther in Hamadan (Photo: Orly Azoulay)

The Tomb of Esther in Hamadan

Visiting the synagogue in Hamadan (Photo: Orly Azulay)

Visiting the synagogue in Hamadan 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at AIPAC, March, 2014 in Washington, 

An aerial view of the house with a burned-out roof truss in Troeglitz, Germany (Photo: EPA)

An aerial view of the house with a burned-out roof truss in Troeglitz, Germany

A facility for housing refugees, which was destroyed by an arson attack, in Troeglitz, Germany (Photo: Getty Images)

A facility for housing refugees, which was destroyed by an arson attack, in Troeglitz, Germany

A police car enters the municipality Troeglitz, Germany (Photo: EPA)
A police car enters the municipality Troeglitz, Germany

York Castle in England, where in 1190 the city's Jews hid during a massacre by Crusaders, egged on by crowds. 500 Jews were killed. 

Rob Kim

Police tape at the scene of the crime (Photo: spreepicture)

Police tape at the scene of the crime 

Jewish Girl Scouts, 1930.

The original receipt of the first nationally sold Girl Scout Cookies.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker speaks to supporters during a lunch in South Carolina (Photo: Reuters)
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker speaks to supporters during a lunch in South Carolina 

(New York University)

Union negotiator helped save the
 city from bankruptcy in the 1970s

Victor Gotbaum, President of AFSCME district 37 and Albert Shanker, president of the United Federation of Teachers, testifying about the New York City fiscal crisis. 

US Capitol lockdown ends after man shoots himself dead
Temporary security lockdown at Capitol ends after two
 hours; police say lockdown was precautionary measure.

Obama and Castro shake hands (Photo: AFP)

Obama and Castro shake hands

Obama and Castro meet on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas (Photo: Reuters)

Obama and Castro meet on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas

Egypt sentences Muslim Brotherhood
leader, others to death

Muslim Brotherhood supporters protest in support of Morsi in Egyptng after government takeover by al-Sisi. (Photo: Getty Images)
Muslim Brotherhood supporters protest in support of Morsi in Egyptng after government takeover by al-Sisi. 

Muslim Brotherhood Leader

A Christian pilgrim holds up a candle as others gather at the church of the Holy Sepulcher (Photo: AP)

A Christian pilgrim holds up a candle as others gather at the church of the Holy Sepulcher 
Photo: AP
Photo: AP

The flame is also flown out to Greece and other Orthodox countries.

Photo: AP
Photo: EPA
Photo: EPA

Have a beautiful rest of the Week


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