Daveed Fakheri
WWII Allies march in Moscow to mark 65 years since Nazi defeat
President Peres among leaders from over 24 countries marking Victory Day in Moscow's Red Square.
President Peres among leaders from over 24 countries marking Victory Day in Moscow's Red Square.
A Muslim Student at UC San Diego admits
" she is pro Hamas terrorist Organization! ".
Atlas Shrugs
Editor Daveed Fakheri
David Horowitz gave a talk at UC San Diego to counter the Muslim Students Association’s Israeli Apartheid Week. He was literally giving his speech at the same time as notorious anti-Semite Norman Finkelstein.
During the Question and Answer period Horowitz had a chilling exchange with a member of the MSA in which he prodded her to reveal the depraved depths of her Jew-hatred. What’s shocking is not so much that she holds such views, but rather that she was willing to admit it: ( video )
There's a little bit of Israel in all of us.
Come and find Israel in you.
How Jewish newspapers covered the Holocaust
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