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Saturday, 18th of Tevet, 5771
Saturday, 25th of December 2010
Saturday 4th of Dey, 1389
The antidote to the terror of living in a dangerous world is to participate in the liberation of others. MORE>

Weekly Torah Portion
The Israelites are slaves to Pharaoh and God instructs Moses to liberate his people. Moses and Aaron approach Pharaoh, who refuses their request.
A New Pharaoh Rises
Promises of Hope, Threats of Destruction.
Samaria, the capitol of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, was destroyed by the Assyrians in 721 BCE. In the haftarah read by Ashkenazim this week, Isaiah gives a prophecy concerning Israel, explaining why it fell to its enemies, but also giving hope for a future of redemption.
Though Isaiah's primary concern is to bring a message of doom for Israel, he begins noting that eventually, "Israel shall sprout and blossom, and the face of the world shall be covered with fruit" (27:6).
About Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935),
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935), the celebrated first Chief Rabbi of pre-state Israel, is recognized as being among the most important Jewish thinkers of all times. His writings reflect the mystic's search for underlying unity in all aspects of life and the world, and his unique personality similarly united a rare combination of talents and gifts.
Rav Kook was a prominent rabbinical authority and active public leader, but at the same time, a deeply religious mystic. He was both Talmudic scholar and poet, original thinker and saintly tzaddik.
"God's angel appeared to [Moses] in the heart of a fire, in the midst of a thorn-bush. ... Moses hid his face, since he was afraid to look at God." (Ex. 3:2,6)
Going To Peace
After agreeing to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses took leave of his father-in-law. Jethro blessed Moses "Go in peace" (Ex. 4:18). Actually, Jethro said "Go to peace." The Talmud (Berachot 64a) picks up on this fine nuance
"I Will Be Who I Will Be"
Mosess was not excited with the idea of leading the Jewish people out of Egypt. He foresaw many of the difficulties in the assignment, including gaining the trust of the Hebrew slaves.
"God's angel appeared to Moses in the heart of a fire
, in the midst of a thorn-bush." (Ex. 3:2)
, in the midst of a thorn-bush." (Ex. 3:2)
Himself to Moses?A Cure for Fever
Appearing in a burning bush, God charged Moses with the task of leading the Jewish people out of Egypt. Moses, however, had doubts about the feasibility of the mission:
When God informed Moses that he was to bring the Jewish people out of Egypt, Moses did not accept the assignment happily. "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?" (Ex. 3:11) The Midrash explained Moses' objection with the following parable:
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