
Kislev , 26, 5771
Desember 3 . 2010
Azar . 12 . 1389

Joseph serves as a model of creating
opportunities for repentance and forgiveness
Joseph interprets correctly the dream of Pharaoh’s jailed chief butler and baker. The butler returns to his job but does not keep his promise to tell the Pharaoh about Joseph.
 A summary of the portion
Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams and is appointed
 to implement Egypt's anti-famine plan,
 which brings him into contact with his brothers again.

A summary of the Haftarah
Zekhariah 2:14-4:7
Zekhariah encouraging the people of Judah to rebuild the Temple that had been destroyed in 586 BCE. Zekhariah prophesied towards the end of the 70 years that separated the destruction of the First Temple from the dedication of the Second Temple.

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