
Professor Yosef Shiloh won prize, including $10,000 grant, from world's largest organization for cancer research for discoveries made while researching rare degenerative disease.

Women’s Zionist Organization of America has already raised $240 million for state-of-the-art medical facility at Jerusalem hospital. President: Our commitment to building strong, healthy Israel just as strong today as it was a century ago

Henrietta Szold
was born in Baltimore, Maryland, the daughter of Rabbi Benjamin Szoldwho was the spiritual leader of Baltimore'sTemple Oheb Shalom.[1] She was the eldest of eight daughters. In 1877, she graduated from Western Female High School. For fifteen years, she taught at Miss Adam’s School and Oheb Shalom religious school, and gave Bible and history courses for adults. To further her own education, she attended public lectures at Johns Hopkins University and the Peabody Institute.[2]

Not every religious newlywed couple wants 
to start a family as soon as honeymoon is over.
n light of problematic alternatives, Bar-Ilan University
 onvention focuses on halachic perspective towards
 family planning, as more rabbis see way to

approving birth control

Daniel Libeskind’s ‘Wheel of Conscience’ in Halifax, Nova Scotia
 Courtesy Canadian Jewish Congress

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