
Shabat-Lech Lecha-10. 24. 15

Editor David Fakheri
سردبیر داوید فاخری
עורך דוד פאחרי

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    ( David Fakheri داوید فاخری )



    * TORAH * for * CHILDREN *

    Parashat * Lech-Lecha *

    Abram and Sarai follow God's call 
    to journey to Canaan, where the 
    covenant between God and 
    Abraham is affirmed.


    Ha' Rav KOOK

     * TORAH * Institute

     This Week

     Parashat * Lech Lecha * 

     in 7 Articles



    Yoram Raanan


    God has not abandoned His people.
    In Haftarat Lekh-L’kha, Isaiah offers the people 
    of Israel a message of reassurance. By the
     sixth century B.C.E., Israel had been in exile 
    for decades, but Isaiah tells the people that 
    God has not abandoned them, and is still 
    concerned about their welfare.


    שבוע טוב ומבורך

    Have a beautiful and 

    a Peaceful week

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